Feal 442 coilovers. Worth your hard earned pennies?
Hey!... Welcome to another #modmonday, this modmonday being a long term review on my @fealsuspension 442s coilovers. These have been equipped on my car for a little over a year and half now, with no problems to speak of.
Ready to be installed.
Fresh and shiny after day one of being installed.
Having enjoyed the Feal 441s I decided it was time to upgrade them a bit. And what better way than to have them upgraded to 442s. For those not aware 441s are entry level coilovers from Feal, they are a terific value for the money but being a well equipped auto-x car I decided to upgrade.
Here are the 441s, biggest visual differences are the helper springs and secondary reservoir.
The Feal 442s add dual adjustments for jounce and rebound making them extremely versatile for any track/auto-x course. They also include a secondary reservoir to help aid in this damping.
Enough of the specs... how do they handle and ride on the road? With the right setup I believe even with my stiff 9k/8k spring rate these ride nicer than the factory STi struts. Only the largest of potholes or speed bumps remind you you are in a car with coilovers.
With Vorhslag upper cam plates house the struts. Rebound adjustment is located right up here too.
The broad spectrum of adjustability allows it to be firm but smooth on the road. Drive to your favorite local track and adjust the dampers and it is a whole different car, it still maintains the ability to soak up bumps but now you ca minimize body roll, dive and squat with the right setup.
With setup and ride height set, a few runs through the countryside showed just how well made these are.
I was really concerned when I purchased these about the 9k/8k spring rate but with the proper strut damping you will be amazed how they ride. They come in at just about double the price of the 441s but totally worth it.
Coilovers are a place where you truly get what you pay for and these have been worth every penny.
Questions, comments, thoughts? Leave them below!
Stop by Fealsuspension.com to pick your self up a set.